Perfil académico

Datos generales
País de residencia: 
Estados Unidos
Otra ocupación: 
Docencia, asistencia editorial
Institución de estudio o trabajo: 
Universidad de Texas - Arlington
Época de interés: 
República, Imperio y Reforma
Revolución e Independencia
Área de interés: 
Historia de las Ideas
Proyecto personal
Título del proyecto, área de interés o motivo de suscripción: 
Right of Rebellion in the First Mexican Republic (1824-1835)

The idea of resisting the person in power is recurrent in the political literature by appealing to a primordial matter: the critical juxtaposition of the adherence to authority and public or individual freedom. In the construction of Mexico, it was a substantial theme, in terms of legitimacy and legality of the new governments. XIXth-century politicians decided not to mention the right to insurrection in the 1824 constitution, since they already tacitly accepted its legitimate existence. However, they faced fundamental issues when they discussed the limits and figures authorized to summon it.