Conv. Assistant Professor in Economic and Social History
Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management at Bocconi University
Tipo de convocatoria:
Oferta de trabajo
Fecha límite:
Mar, 2014-04-15
Correo electrónico:
Texto de la convocatoria:
Assistant Professor in Economic and Social History (13/C1 Storia Economica)
The Department of Policy Analysis and Public Management at Bocconi University opens a position of Assistant Professor in Economic and Social History (Italian Scientific Sector Code: 13/C1 - Storia Economica), starting from September 1, 2014.
Contracts will run for up to eight years (with one paid sabbatical year and subject to renewal after the first three years), with the possibility of promotion to a tenured position by the end of the period or earlier in case of outstanding performance.
Applicants must be fluent in English. Knowledge of Italian is not required.
Commitments include teaching and research. As the appointed candidate is expected to publish in international refereed journals, priority will be given to applicants with research portfolios that are international in scope
Applicants should have (or be close to completion) a Ph.D. and should have demonstrated strong potential in research and teaching.
Compensation and teaching load are competitive with other top European academic institutions.
Applications must be submitted on line at the following address:
Only applications received until April 15, 2014 will be taken into consideration. Only selected candidates will be contacted for further steps.
For further information, please contact Prof. Andrea Colli (