Dos plazas doctorales en Bangor University (historia financiera)

Bernardo Batiz-Lazo
Tipo de convocatoria: 
Beca y apoyo
Texto de la convocatoria: 
Two doctoral studentships at Bangor - under the supervision of Prof Santiago Carbo and Prof Bernardo Batiz-Lazo
Cashlessness, digital money and economic crisis in the payments ecosystem
Project overview
The advent of digital and mobile currencies has once again questioned the future longevity of cash (coins and bills) as medium of payment.
This project takes a long term view to explore how the use of cash increases or decreases (as opposed to other alternative payments such as cheques, credit and debit cards, and electronic clearing) in different countries since 1950 to date. The role of the episodes of financial crises in accelerating (or slowing down) the changes in the use of cash will be a specific factor considered in this study.
The evolution of consumer finance
Project overview
This project looks at the development of different markets for personal credit since 1950 in three countries: the US, UK and Spain. Personal debt and particularly mortgages were a source of the recent financial crisis. However, there are other modes of personal credit that have evolved including (but not limited by) unsecured lending, credit cards, and commercial credit. Moreover, it is unclear how financial crises have had an effect over the development and growth of specific instruments and markets for consumer finance. This research aims to determine which types of consumer finance were most affected by financial crises and the potential influence of the institutional (national) framework supporting different practices.